Made in Jerusalem
We’re an award-winning nonprofit for economic development and employment in Jerusalem
Made in Jerusalem is the nonprofit umbrella organization for Jerusalem's startup and tech ecosystem. The award winning organization founded and coordinates a community of over 10,000 participants across 50 professional groups and a forum of 250 city stakeholders from industry, academia and government working together to solve strategic city challenges. Made in JLM was established in 2012 and in 2015 their work helped put Jerusalem on the map as one of the 30 top tech cities in the world and TIME's top 5 emerging tech hubs for 2015.
250+ Partners
The Made in Jerusalem forum is composed of representatives of every company, VC, government, university in Jerusalem, working together to make the city better
We believe that Jerusalem is the future of the startup nation. As the largest most diverse city, it holds the talent to unlock for the next stage of growth inside Israel but also holds the gate to the entire Middle East.
What We Do
Incubate Communities
We support the leaders who run the city’s events, courses, branding and more. By doing this we build an infrastructure to reach any talent
Help Jerusalem Companies
Information about grants, offices, events, numbers and talent. Distribution networks for messages, and the capacity to run or fiscally host tech projects, courses and events.
Solve Big Problems Together
By connecting industry, government and philanthropy, we tackle Jerusalem’s barriers to growth such as attracting multinationals, training juniors, office space, diversity & inclusion, city branding and more.
Our Vision
Jerusalem is expecting growth from large multinationals like Microsoft, Apple, and more launching centers in Jerusalem. This will create junior jobs and bring thousands of new populations into tech.
Jerusalem’s new city entrance and HUJI innovation parks will add millions of square meters of office space, next to the fast train, government, university and hospitals.

Tel Aviv may be the tech Capital of Israel Today, But Jerusalem can be the tech capital of the Middle East.
-Erel Margalit, JVP
Our Impact
Investment across 4x the companies
Community leaders supported
Funding added to Jerusalem startups since 2013
Champions from Partners Organizations
Jobs marketed yearly
Community members impacted by activity
Awards & Recognition

Our Story
Made in JLM was Founded in 2012 by
Hanan Brand
Then VC (JVP)
Uriel Shuraki
Then Ex-Intel Solopreneur
Roy Munin
Then Student
Our Story
When we started Made in Jerusalem, we saw our friends leaving the city because they had no place to work. Those who stayed thought they were the only ones, and that it was crazy and hopeless to build a business in Jerusalem.
We believed Jerusalem’s potential could be so much greater, and were inspired by the impact that fulfilling this potential could have on a city as legendary and important to so many as Jerusalem.
Today, Jerusalem is in a different place. But we still have a long ways to go to reach the point of no return. We strive to build Made in JLM into an independent, community-led organization that will be strong and resilient enough to solve the necessary challenges for the decades to come.
You’re invited
Join Our Story
Join the team by contributing your skills, or make a financial contribution to help us achieve ambitious goals.