Join the team

Make an impact on Jerusalem while building your skills and getting connected. Made in JLM is a volunteer-led organization and a team of entrepreneurs working together.

We are looking for independent, motivated, self-driven stars who believe in Jerusalem’s vision to join the team, take on roles and help make things happen.

What’s in it for me?


Do work that impacts your community, see what you do being used by thousands giving meaning to people.


Work with key players in Jerusalem's tech ecosystem. Be seen and get picked up.


Challenge yourself and solve new problems with our mentorship and support, using the latest tools and workflows.


See people find jobs and stay in Jerusalem, companies grow and the city change thanks to you

How Can I Help?

Content & Marketing

Graphic Design & Brand Communication

Data & Automation

Event Production & Coordination

Finances & Reporting

Community Leader

Don’t have time? Still want to support?
Consider Making a donation